
While I am not entirely educated on the subject of international relations, a few things seem quite clear to me.  Forgive this simplicity.  Israel is subjected to rocket and missile fire from a population that wants all Jews dead, yet there are groups of people demonstrating AGAINST Israel across Europe.  How can so many be so ignorant of the truth?  Where is the overwhelming worldwide wave of support for the Israelis?  She has continuously and bravely defended herself from one murderous enemy after another since before 1949 and remains strong.  Universal condemnation of the Palestinian terrorists and all who support them should be the top headline.

I see a way to solve the Gaza problem forever.  Establish a territory within Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Iran or some other place FAR away from Israel to resettle the occupants of the strip.  This would alleviate the unbelievable overcrowding that makes life there unbearable.  I know this is not an original thought, but it needs to be repeated until action is taken.  Just think of the concept in the same way that the combatants in a fistfight are separated by the police, just on a larger scale.

Israel must survive and continue to thrive in perpetuity.  All persons who love freedom should support her in any and every way possible.  If that means spreading the word on the web, which is one of the ways I do my part, or by sending monetary contributions to an appropriate organization that directly benefits Israelis, or by volunteering to serve in her armed forces, so be it.